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Top 10 Tips For Your 100 000 Mile Car Maintenance Checklist

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Every 100k mile, your vehicle should be inspected for mechanical issues. This is especially true for uneven tire wear and if you hear a strange noise from one of the components. It's also a good idea to perform a complete overhaul if you're reaching this milestone. You may also notice other problems like a loose steering wheel or uneven tire wear. Here are some guidelines for 100k-mile car maintenance.

Timing belt replacement

One of the most important car maintenance tasks on a hundred thousand-mile maintenance checklist is timing belt replacement. It keeps the engine's pistons moving smoothly and efficiently. It's not very expensive, but the damage it could cause is. Replacing the belt can save your engine's life in a very short time. These are signs that your timing chain is at risk of failing.

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Oil changes

An oil change should be done at least once per year for your engine. Oil changes are essential for engine performance and longevity. Oil changing is an easy, cost-effective, and essential maintenance task. Oil changes are a great way to remove any contaminants and lubricate aging components. Maple syrup that is below freezing is hard to stir. Older engine parts may have difficulty moving oil until it's warm.

Fluid checks

As part of your regular car maintenance, fluid checks should be included in your 100 000 mile checklist. If you haven't done so in a while, the timing belt might be due for a change. Your car's timing belt drives your engine's camshafts and keeps them moving in synchronization with the crankshaft. Your car's engine may experience severe consequences if the timing belt fails. Replace the timing belt immediately if you don't have it.

Performance exhaust

There are many reasons to replace your performance-exhaust system. Your car's sound, handling and value can all be improved with performance exhaust. You can do this yourself by purchasing performance exhaust parts from a car parts store. It is a good idea to have someone else inspect your exhaust system if you aren't a professional mechanic.

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Mounts for engines

Your engine might be tilting, bouncing or shifting while you are driving. This could be a problem with your motor mounts. These components should be checked regularly to make sure your car runs at its best. Also, if the engine is shaking when driving or you hear impact noises while driving, it's a sign that your motor mounts are in need of repair. Apart from noise, you might notice uneven braking and a shaking steering wheel.


What kind of car mechanic jobs exists?

There are three main areas of employment for car mechanics:

  • Automotive repair shops
  • Dealerships
  • Independent garages

Automotive repair shops

Most people think of this as the first step to becoming a mechanic. This is the best way to get started. You can either work in a shop run by someone else, or start your business.

You will need to join a union if you want to work in a shop. Once you're accepted into the union, you'll receive training from the union.

You'll be ready for work once you have completed the training.

You will need to register if your garage is going to be open. After registering, you'll be required to meet certain standards.

Once you register, you'll receive a license that allows you to operate your garage.

Your license allows for minor repairs and spare parts sales. You can't fix major engine problems with your license.

As well as selling spare parts you will need to offer advice and direction to customers.

Dealership jobs

Most dealerships employ mechanics who can specialize in a particular area of the car. For example, they might only deal with brakes or only replace tires.

Some dealerships hire general mechanics to handle all aspects of car repair.

Some positions require that applicants complete training before they can be allowed to work. Employers are able to choose which candidates will best suit their position.

Some dealerships recruit students right out of school. These graduates already know the basics of mechanical engineering and therefore have no problem learning about cars.

Independent garages

Independent garages aren't associated with any particular dealership. Instead, independent garages tend to concentrate on providing high-quality services.

Independent garages don't have to be associated with any particular company. This allows them to offer higher wages. This makes them generally more well-paid than jobs at dealerships.

Independent garages can be just as good places to work, but this does not mean they are better. Many business owners prefer to be in control of their businesses than to delegate it to employees.

So you may find yourself working long hours without having any say over what happens during the day.

It is also possible to expect lower wages than you would if working at a dealer.

The good news is that you can easily switch between different kinds of jobs. It is possible to switch between different types of jobs if your current employer would prefer you to work at a dealer.

Or, if your dream is to work for an independent garage you can contact the owner directly.

It's not always easy to find a job. There are many factors that affect how much you make.

This could include the type of vehicle that you are working on and whether or not you charge an additional for labor.

What is the best way to learn about car mechanics

To be an auto mechanic, you don't have to know much about cars. Only you need to know how things work. It's why many people begin to fix things by fitting brake pads or changing tires.

You'll need the ability to read and understand diagrams and to follow simple rules of good practise. You must also be able judge if parts need to replaced or repaired.

It is important that you have proper training and guidance before you attempt to repair vehicles. This is especially true if you deal with expensive components such as engines or transmissions.

Although you won't have to know much about automobiles, you must be familiar with the basics of mechanical engineering as well as physics. This includes understanding the mechanics of how engines and brakes work.

It's also worth noting that you'll need to be prepared to deal with all sorts of situations. You might be required to work on a vehicle that was involved in an accident. Also, you'll need to be familiar with dealing with accidents or breakdowns.

You should also be open to learning quickly. Not only will you need to be capable of diagnosing problems, but you also need to be able perform simple maintenance tasks like tightening nuts.

How long does an automotive course take?

An automotive course lasts 3 years.

The first year is spent learning about cars and theory. The second year is dedicated to practical training, where you will learn how to fix cars, drive them, and do other jobs around the car. The final year is spent doing a placement at a local garage, which gives you experience in fixing real-world problems.

What qualifications do you need to be a truck-mechanic?

This job requires you to be a skilled mechanic, although you do not need any formal training. Your experience is valuable because it allows you to diagnose problems quickly, efficiently and effectively.

A solid understanding of diesel technology is also a plus. This will help you understand the components that are needed to fix our vehicles.

Is it difficult to become a mechanic apprentice

Although it's not an easy task, you will learn quickly and have many opportunities to advance.

You need to have patience and perseverance. It is also important to know how you can fix vehicles, trucks, or motorcycles.

Customers and family members can put a lot pressure on you. They want you to succeed. However, you shouldn't be forced to make difficult decisions.

If you like fixing cars, this could be a great career option. This is a job that allows you to earn a decent income and grow your business.

But, you might prefer a different path. In this case, you could consider becoming a technician instead.

This means that you can use your technical knowledge to help other workers. Technical support could include helping technicians to troubleshoot issues or teaching them new techniques.

Another option is to become an advisor in service. You will offer assistance and advice to customers when they bring cars to a garage.

Your choice is based on what you choose to do. There are many options to choose from, and it is up to you which one suits you the best.

What qualifications do you need to be a mechanic?

A series of tests is required to be a mechanic. These include:

  • A test of general knowledge
  • A practical examination
  • An apprenticeship test

These tests are designed to ensure that you understand the basic concepts of mechanical engineering and physics before you start working as a mechanic.

After passing these tests, you will be eligible to become a mechanic. You will still need to complete an apprenticeship. This will include training in the trade.

To fully understand the mechanics of vehicle repairs, you'll need workshops and classes. Experienced mechanics will also be required.

You'll need a high level of concentration and attention to detail if you want to succeed as a mechanic. You will need to pay careful attention to every aspect when repairing vehicles.

To become a successful mechanic you'll need patience. This may not be the career path that you want if you aren't able to follow directions.

However, if you love cars or enjoy working on them, you might be happy in this field.

How can I prepare to become a mechanic apprentice?

It is vital to be able to comprehend what you are doing. Understanding the mechanics and working of cars is essential. This will help you to plan your first day in the garage.

You should also know how to fix common problems such as tires or broken lights.

This should help you learn how to diagnose issues and repair them yourself.

Also, it is important to know how parts fit together so that you can put them back together.

Finally, you should be able use tools safely.

These things will enable you to be a competent mechanic.


  • According to the BLS, total auto technician employment is expected to exceed 705,000 by 2030. (uti.edu)
  • The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reports that the job outlook for automotive service technicians and mechanics is expected to decline by 4% from 2019 to 2029. (indeed.com)
  • There were 749,900 jobs available for automotive service technicians and mechanics in 2016, which is expected to grow by six percent through 2026. (jobhero.com)

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How To

How to be an Automotive Technician

An automotive technician is responsible for vehicle maintenance and repair. He/she can be found at auto shops, garages and service centers. He/she helps customers fix their cars, trucks, motorcycles, ATVs, boats, lawn mowers, snowmobiles, tractors, trailers, farm equipment, planes, helicopters, jet skis, watercraft, bicycles, motorcycles, scooters, golf carts, etc. An automotive technician must be capable of diagnosing problems and making repairs safely, accurately and efficiently.

To become an automotive technician, a person must first earn an associate's degree from a vocational college. After completing the program, he/she must pass ASE certification. ASE stands for American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Two sections make up the ASE certification examination. One section tests mechanical knowledge; the second section tests practical skills. You will need to attend an authorized testing site in order to pass the test. These testing sites can be found online and through your local dealer.

Before becoming an automotive technician, a candidate must pass the test. The process will vary depending on where an applicant lives. Some states require that applicants attend a training class, while others allow them freedom to study at their own pace. Some states allow technicians to become licensed right away after receiving their license. While others wait until they have had at least six years of experience as an automotive technician.

An applicant should apply to a local auto shop in order to start their career as an automotive technician. New employees are usually apprentices when they first get hired. Apprenticeship programs usually last three years. Students learn basic repair skills such as changing oil and adjusting brakes, changing tires, cleaning spark plugs and inspecting engine compartments. Advanced repairs can be done by some students, including replacing shocks, installing air filters and repairing engines. Many schools offer classes during normal business hours. However, some schools offer evening classes if needed.

Once a student completes his/her apprenticeship, he/she becomes a journeyman. Journeymen typically spend four to five years learning how to install major systems, such as transmissions, differentials, steering gear, suspensions, and drive shafts. You will also learn how to repair complicated electrical components, as well as how to remanufacture engines and rebuild transmissions. Employers prefer to hire journeymen as they are familiar with the job and can anticipate customer needs.

Once a candidate passes the required exams and is granted a license, they might consider opening their own shop. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, nearly 1.7 million automotive mechanic jobs were available in 2010. This figure is expected to rise 18 percent between 2009-2020. When a candidate plans to open his/her own shop he/she should be ready to invest thousands of dollars in equipment.

Many factors affect the automotive technician's salary, including location, education, experience, and employer type. On average, an unemployed person could earn $20,000 annually. A person with only a high-school diploma could make around $21,000 annually. A bachelor's degree is equivalent to approximately $24,000 annually. Technicians with bachelor's degrees earn approximately $27,000 per year. Masters' degree holders earn around $32,000 per annum. Salary increases are common, so a professional who earns less than $30,000 now could reasonably expect to earn $40,000 or more in just a few years.



Top 10 Tips For Your 100 000 Mile Car Maintenance Checklist